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Construction of Security roads launched

Wednesday 8, February 2023

Hon. Fred Byamukama , Minister of state for Karamoja affairs Agnes Nandutu accompanied by Brig. Gen. Joseph Balikudembe while launching the road construction

By Timothy Eodu

The construction of the long awaited security roads across Karamoja region have been launched today by the Minister of State for Works & Transport in charge Transport Hon. Fred Byamukama in Boma grounds Moroto.

He said Government plans to open over 2000km of roads in the region and some neighbouring districts with Karenga taking the lion’s share (390km) and Kapelebyong taking the least. He said government has so far earmarked 200bn to begin the construction of selected roads in lot 2. The minister said they have received so far 40bn from the ministry of finance to facilitate the first phase of the project.

The Minister said roads in lot one stretching 130km has been contracted to NEC under the UPDF supervision and the other to Uganda martyrs housing construction company to last 18 months. He urged the contractors to take seriously the leaders concerns of prioritizing local content by using much of the labor and supplies locally.

Hon. Byamukama urged the contractors to take seriously the leaders concerns of prioritizing local content by using much of the labor and supplies locally. He pledged to conduct quarterly inspection of works on the roads to ensure that value for money guaranteed but also to curtail any form of corruptions that is common among very many Ugandan local constructors.

He appealed to the people of Karamoja to change their minds from too much consumption of alcohol, believing in the cows and adopt agriculture since the roads being constructed will simplify transportation of agricultural products to the market thus improving the livelihoods of the people.

The Minister encouraged Karamoja members of Parliament to be model farmers by adopting agriculture such that the local populations may follow suit since they are more influencial.

Eng. Steven Kitonza, commissioner for roads and bridges at ministry of works and transport, who represented the Permanent Secretary said 250km of roads will be urgently worked on to facilitate mobility of security and development in the region with Nakiloro-Naput-Kptein – Loyoro (88km) and Lopedo-Turuturu (55km) in lot1 procurement under way, physical works will begin in a month’s time.

He added that lot2 roads which stretch 112km covering Karisarik-Magos-Naput (32km) and Kobebe-Kalongolemuge-Nakapelimoru (80km) procurement process was done, contractor is already on ground.

Minister of state for Karamoja affairs Hon. Agnes Nandutu says she is happy that the construction of security roads has finally been launched to aid the on going disarmament exercise.

She said for social economic development to occur in the region, this must be a concerted effort of all in Karamoja through working in harmony with the UPDF and sister forces.

“Whether you are an lc1, councilor, LC5 or MP as long as you know anyone in your area who has a gun please report them to security so they can secure our region, the ball is now in our hand to help the forces to secure sanity,” Nandutu said.

Nandutu said Karamoja has a very rich potential that most regions don’t have but it can’t develop because of gun pandemic. She added that as long as the people in Karamoja work together with stakeholders and government, the region will develop past other regions in the country.

A section of the road that is under construction in Moroto district

Margaret Aleper Achilla, the woman MP Kotido says there are many factors that have led to the successes of security in Karamoja and the security forces deserve to be appreciated for their efforts. She however rooted for the involvement of karacunas in the construction of these roads to deter them from the acts of rustling.

According to the secretary social services Moroto district, Mr. Cosmas Ayepa kolibi most projects targeting security have had issues of blame games but he called upon every persons involved to work in unity. He urged that in the next lots of construction, priority should be given to most hard to reach areas all over the region that have been used by raiders to hide.

LC5 Napak John Paul Kodet says it’s a big achievement if these roads are completed but requested that most security roads be constructed as soon as possible.

LC5 Nabilatuk Paul Lokol says ensuring security is everyone’s task and as such this is a big milestone in rebuilding peace, security and development in the region.

Justin Tuko the DRDC Moroto said the government has done a lot in improving roads in the region. He said this is boosting government projects like Emyooga although insecurity tried to disorganize this economic boom.

He said with the construction of these security roads, access to health centers, education institutions and other social services will be more easier for the locals.

The Ministry being the lead in implementing infrastructure and economic service activities related to construction and maintenance of accessible roads and improve choke points/bridges fall under pillar 2 of the Parish Development Model-PDM. Government plans to open and improve about 2240km of roads in Karamoja region and its neighbouring regions.

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