Karamoja province head coach Amos Okoboi was hosted on UBC radio 90.0 FM located at the slope of mountain Moroto, Singila village, Moroto district in a one on one with Dj jones. We bring you the details.
Host: Tell me about yourself in details.
Coach: My birth name is Okoboi Amos a born of 7th June 1985 in the eastern district of Serere.
Host: How about your education career.
Coach: I have a degree in sports Science and also post graduate certificate sports management from the University of Makerere.
Host: Most of the football coaches have a playing career though not all, tell me about your football playing career if there was any.
Coach: In football I played as a striker, I have played in different dignitaries including way back from primary 5 were I went for nationals championship which was held in Tororo district and we reached the semi finals, 3 trophies for Standard High School in the secondary school level, also participated in University games.
Host: As a striker you are known for goals, what is that goal that the memory can’t be removed from your head?
Coach: I scored straight from the corner kick without anyone touching, I was not expecting it at all but it is the one that I can’t forget.
Host: When did you hang the boots?
Coach: I stopped active playing after the University but up to now I still play in the corporate games.
Host: So, when did you start the coaching career?
Coach: Well, it was way back in 2007 when I decided to start football coaching just as a passion without any coaching course but professionally I got my level 1 and my first team was Soroti FC in 2015.
Host: What level of coaching are you at right now?
Coach: I am a CAF B coach and professionally I am a coach and a referee in 5 different sporting fields; Handball, Football, Volleyball, swimming and Athletics and also I double as a national time keeper in hand ball and Athletics.
Host: Other than coaching, is there any other work you are doing?
Coach: First of all, I want to say I love sports a lot though am a civil servant working as the District Sports Officer for Nabilatuk District in Karamoja sub-region.
Host: Lastly, what should the fans of Karamoja and the people in Karamoja expect from the team
Coach: Well, everyone is thinking Karamoja is the underdog here but we are the best of the best that’s why they gave us a province, so with that cleared I am saying we are not in this to participate, no!, we are in the drum to compete and surely we are going to win.